Thursday, November 27, 2014

 acting out yaakov's dream and putting the 12 stones around him

 working together

 matching the mothers with theirchildren ( Shevatim)
 acting out Yaakov getting married to leah instead of rochel
 Yaakov coming to the well and taking off the rock

 finding alef beis in beans

 making alef beis with gems

 making alef beis in shaving cream

Thursday, November 20, 2014


 alef beis in sand

 opposites game

playing with yaakov and esav

practicing transfering lentils
 acting out the story of selling the Bechora

 Shin and sin hunt
 cutting celery for our lentil soup

 enjoying our lentil soup at lunch time

Thursday, November 13, 2014

 acting out eliezer & rivka at the well with the 10 camels

 making a bracelet just like rivka

 life alef beis board game
 alef beis with little lego's